Vos Plus Belles Photos Autour de MARTINPUICH

Chapelle à Martinpuich
Martinpuich looking towards the village
WW1 German Command Bunker near Martinpuich, France
Koolzaadveld onderweg langs de Somme (Trudi)
Canadian Memorial
Entering the Village of Courcelette, May 2007
High Wood
Mahogony Crucifix near the Mound opposite High wood
London Cemetery and Extension High Wood Longueval
High Wood
Highwood cemetery
High Wood (Rear)
Courcelette British Cemetery
Bazentin le Petit Cemetery
Gite The Old Rifles Of Busiter Farm www.theoldriflesofbazentin.com
47th London Div. High Wood
High Wood from The Mound at Bazentin le Petit
High Wood crater
Bazentin eglise-devant
Australian Forces memorial, Pozieres
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Courcelette War Cemetery on the Somme
tank memorial pozieres
Wood Lane at High Wood
High Wood
Pozières (Trudi)
Crucifix Corner to High Wood
Bazentin, France
Great War Monument at Le Sars on the Somme Battlefields
Thistle Dump Cemetery
The Cross In Thistle Dump
Thistle Dump Cemetery, Somme Battlefield, France.
Looking back towards Courcelette via old Grandcourt road. May, 2007.
NZ Memorial Longueval
New Zealand Forces memorial, Longueval
Caterpillar Valley
Place of Rememberance to the Somme battle near Pozieres
miraumont: Andanac Cemetery
Adanac  Military Cemetery
Cross in Regina Trench Cemetery
Champ de bataille Poziéres
Longueval - Mémorial néo zélandais
Sunken Road Cemetery
Regina Trench Cemetery
Le Tommy Café du Souvenir, Reconstruction of a Somme Trench, Pozières, France
caterpillar cem
Photos fournies par Panoramio et couvertes par les droits d'auteurs de leurs propriétaires.
Album mis à jour le 17 01 2025

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