Vos Plus Belles Photos Autour de MéAUTIS

We discovered many walks and cycle routes near Carentan. There are old railway lines that are flat, above sea level and give a great view of Normandy.
Meautis church in a small village which is about 4 km from Carentan.
50th fighter group of the 9th air force flew from this site. You can find it coming out of Meautis to Carentan.
Arbre sous la neige
Les chiens du Parc des marais.
Each apple tree is difefrent and produces a different tasting apple.
View from the front orchard looking at our bed and breakfast
Pont au nord de la colline 30
101st  E  assault into Carentan from Hill 30
noel a carentan
E companys route to carentan
Carentan 101nd E(Easy)Company
LES AVIONS le 7eme JUIN 2014
Colonel Robert Cole PC
Airborne Memorial, Carentan
We took a walk around the river and came across a couple of hides. Here you can watch the various birds in their natural habitat without disturbing them. There was lots of infomation about the various birds.
les oies du marais
For our French lessons we went for a walk around the nature reserve and discovered that the fossilised trees that our thousands of years old are called  Dogs of the Marshland
[Sans titre]
Appeville Church across the fields.
Notre Dame de l'Assomption   Avril 2011
Appeville 06/08/2011 (2)
ND de l'Assomption Appeville Aout 2011 (1)
Appeville vue aérienne générale 06/08/2011
Dead Man's Corner
Photos fournies par Panoramio et couvertes par les droits d'auteurs de leurs propriétaires.
Album mis à jour le 25 01 2025

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