Vos Plus Belles Photos Autour de BEAUMONT-HAMEL

WW1 Canadian War Memorial for the Newfoundland Regiment
View towards Auchonvillers
Beaumont Hamel British Cemetery, Somme Battlefield, France
Hawthorn Ridge Crater 1st July 1916
beaumont hamel
Beaumont-Hamel, Somme, Picardie, France
Iron Harvest
Redan ridge cemetery no.2
Hawthorn Ridge
Hawthorn Ridge Cemetry
Beaumont Hamel
The White City, Beaumont Hamel
Redan Ridge Cemetery number 3
Hawthorn Ridge Cemetery
Ravine at Newfoundland Memorial Park - Sep 2003
Parc Terre Neuvien le 11 mai 2008
51st (Highland) Division Monument, Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, Somme, Picardie, France
Parc Terre Neuvien le 11 Mai 2008 (3)
Parc Terre-neuvien de Beaumont-Hamel, Newfoundland Park
Mémorial terre-neuvien de Beaumont Hamel
Hawthorn Ridge No. 2 Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, Somme, Picardie, France
New-Foundland war cemetery at Beaumont-Hamel
Redan Ridge Cemetery No. 1, 1914-1918
New Munich Trench Cemetery
Gravestone at Beaumont-Hamel memorial
Y-Ravine Cemetery,
wire at beaumont hamel 1916
Cemetery at Newfoundland Memorial
Mémorial terre-neuvien de Beaumont Hamel
The Danger Tree
Y Ravine cemetery
Serre Road Cemetery n°2 - Designed by Edwin Lutyens (1869-1944)
Serre Hebuterne
War Cemetery at Beaumont-Hamel
Beaumont-Hamel tranchées 1ere ligne britannique
Serre Road No.2 Cemetery
Munich Trench Cemetery, Somme
beaumont hamel
Newfoundland park Somme France
Newfoundland Park, Canadian Memorial
Trenches at Newfoundland Memorial at Beaumont-Hemel
Serre Road No.2
Route du Souvenir, Auchonvillers
Beaumont-Hamel - Trenches
Newfoundland Memorial Park
Caribou statue at Beaumont-Hamel
Photos fournies par Panoramio et couvertes par les droits d'auteurs de leurs propriétaires.
Album mis à jour le 10 02 2025

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